About me

My name is Rittikorn Tangtrongchit, I am a game software engineer with a deep passion for an engaging experience. I graduated with a BS in Computer Science and Game Design from DigiPen Institute of Technology in 2018. Currently, I work as a Senior Rendering Engineer at Magnopus.

While my career mainly focused on rendering, I have dedicated years of my life exploring several areas of game development:

  • Gameplay: Large portion of my experience consist of pure gameplay programming in both compiled and scripting language (C#, C, C++). Whether it be implementing a quick prototype to design/implement a complete gameplay system.
  • Game Engine: I have experience working in a several game engines including Unity, Unreal, and several custom C/C++ game engine.
    • Unity Engine: I started learning Unity Engine since 2015 and still has been using it till this day, I have made countless of personal game projects using this engine throughout the years (most of them were never shown publicly). I am very comfortable working on many aspects of Unity Engine including gameplay (job system, burst, ecs), physics, animation, editor tooling, and rendering (SRP/URP/HDRP).
    • Unreal Engine: I have professional experience working on Unreal Engine, delivering projects on several platforms including Oculus Rift, Quest, and PSVR. My role ranging from research/implement rendering techniques to performance optimization.
    • Custom Engine: I have built/worked on several custom C/C++ game engine for my academic game projects as well as professional experience working on proprietary C++ engine for golf simulation products during my time at Foresight Sport.
  • Tools: Part of my work involved creating tools/workflow for designer/artist to utilize custom technology. I have developed a lot of tools in both my professional and academic careers to improve artist/designer workflow ranging from data authoring tools, in-game level editor, asset conversion tool, custom data importer, to various custom game engine editor tools.
  • UX/UI: I have worked on several of my academic projects where I mainly focus on designed/implemented UX/UI based on a lot of playtesting/user feedbacks. As a developer, I believe that accessibility/readability is the basic requirement to a good user experience whether the product is game, tools, or rendering features. This skill helps me greatly in tools/workflow decision in my career.
  • Graphics: As a Rendering engineer, I mainly work on research/implement rendering features for project and internal shared technology. Fun part of the job also involve me performing various CPU/GPU optimizations, utilizing tech such as job system/burst, GPGPU. During my academic years, I have also worked on a C++ real time renderer for my toy game engine.